dear little man,

this afternoon, i went looking for you with the video camera…outside
hoping to catch you in the act…

i watched you through the camera’s eye as you pushed yourself up off the ground and started to teeter across the yard…

your little arms thrown wide…your little hands grasping at the air…your little feet stomp, stomp, stomping with every step…

i smiled and suppressed my giggle, trying to hold that camera still…

and i watched as you finally plopped to the ground…pausing reflective for a moment…

and i watched as thomas lumbered over to you…the two of you leaning in close…nose to nose…for ever so long…

and i watched as you suddenly pushed yourself back up…tottling towards me…smiling proud right into that camera…

swaying…step, step…leaning…step…teetering…step, step, step…catching yourself…just…before…falling…

and it was truly just a very…indescribablyonce in a never-again moment

just too wonderful…

until hannah whispered regretful into my ear, “momit’s not on.”

very sincerely,

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