Tag Archives | monday’s reasons


his looking forward to it since his seventh birthday!

our long-awaited, eighth-birthday-just-me-and-mom movie date

11-18-13 - j

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covered bridges

– hannah’s image

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throwing off the covers…rolling out of our bed…and heading out down the hall in search of him

straight out into the front roomand right down all-curled-up into his lap

him right where he can always be found…out spending the first of his day…with Him

and him letting me wake up into this monday…slowly

in that room dimly lit…the rain falling outside…

with snuggles and sweet whispered words and…eventuallyhis very first giggles of his day coaxed outta me!

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looking and looking throughout my day…until my day was almost all spent

and then finally sitting down here in our bed…and hearing her

out of the dark of the room across the hall…just barely over the din of his fan…

the sound of our sweet hannah-girl singing that little eian to sleep

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all of these glasses always sharing my counter…


(most) all of my littles always keeping “company” with me.

more every day reminders that littles live here!

just more…“and so on”…that there is life here!

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getting away for a bit

10-14-13 - henry

just him and me

– waiting our turn at wanda’s

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twenty six!

already…26 whole mondaysand my reasons to smile!

one whole half of one whole year…already!

some mondays i have had to look a little harder than on others…

but it’s been so true!  that if i’ve tried even hardly at all…the more and more reasons i’ve found…a reason to smile!

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my very first (ever) batches of sauce!

working at it and working at it…‘til my piggies were all squealing…and the shelf was all filled up…

9-30-13 - robert

with months and months worth of munching upon!

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him…taking his little (‘cept for that littlest) men…


…on a quick-before-winter-sets-in overnight camping “trip”…

9-23-13 - 2 - henry

evenand despitethe forecast for rain!

– alex’s images

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today wasn’t easy

truly…just the naughtiest…straight up…monday!

but then near the end

there was beef stew, buttered bread…and an autumn rain

just such a seemingly insignificant thing…

and yetmore than reason enough

even for this monday

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