Archive | September, 2012


– hannah’s image

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dear 40,

it seems rather unfortunate, really…

that my body should more and more act like you…

while my face ever-still insists on acting like a teenager!

very sincerely,

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::  still counting sleeps until our getaway…looking back at all those 7,665 days…them all piled up into the 21 years spent learning to love each other well…

still so, so much to learn

still thinking about my post last night…and the 26,645 days…the 73 years my little gramma has loved her honey…so, so well

so many years…mine just a drop in the bucket!

hoping and praying my loving him well resembles hers more and more as the years keep going by…

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dear gramma zelma,

i kept getting the sense that you were standing right there behind me while i scrubbed those dinner dishes tonight…

but it was only an occasional breeze carrying a here and there whiff of those little pungent pink roses perched on the sill…

your scent

kinda ironic…since your advice to me when i married that “tall drink of water” was to “never leave dishes in the sink overnight…they’ll always be right there waiting for you in the morning!”

just between you and me

i haven’t exactly been all that faithful in following your advice…exactly

but i got those dishes done tonight!

and i loved having the scents of you all the while

very sincerely,


my favorite “just married” picture…of you and the man you’ve faithfully washed dishes for…for 73 years!

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dear belly, bat wings and bum…but mostly belly,

i want that when i say “no, thank you” to something lovely-delicious with “this-so-many” calories, you three congratulate me by immediately divvying up those-so-many calories (with the lion’s share going to you, belly) and just-like-that burning them all up.

that’s what i want

very sincerely,

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dear birthday boy o’ mine-all-mine,

happy 40th birthday to you!

my honey!

my lover!

my very bestest friend!

the one He purposed just especially for me!

oh, how ever-so grateful i am that you were born!

oh, how ever-so utterly i adore you!

you’re my very favorite!

very sincerely,


only 29 more sleeps…

– honeymooners (october, 1992)

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::  i’m a monday-naughty mama…

i set all the “we have nothing better to do but mischief” littles down around a tricky puzzle…and left them there with the toddler circling like a lil’ shark

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dear laundry room,

oh my

i’m ever so…very…sorry!

but there was a river…

and silty-sand…

and a forever-shaking-off-right-next-to-you dog…

and a campfire…

and ooey…so gooey…s’mores…

and mud…

and juicy apples straight off the tree…

times 8

plus me!

very sincerely,

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grampy’s time

– hannah’s image

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::  realized something while i played and explored in grampy and grammy’s river with my littles today…

i don’t play and explore enough with my littles!!!

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