Tag Archives | dear grandparents

dear gramma-my-little-gramma,

happiest of happy birthdays to you!

happy…happy99 years!

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what an extraordinary woman you are!

what an incredibly wonderful example you’ve just always been to me…living your one lifejust so incredibly wonderfully!

what an exceedingly blessed girl i am…to have had that woman of proverbs 31walking out her life right in front of me!

oh, how i do long to be more and more…just like you!

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and this morning, it truly was just the most bestest unbirthday present…

brought just the most unexpected tears

when i told you how very grateful i am for you…and that “i love you”…

and you said“i love you too”

you!  loving me!

just…trulythe most best

how utterly-and-absolutely grateful i am…for you!

very sincerely,

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dear grampy and grammy,

that pile of dirts isn’t even washed all the way through yet

and we’re already missing our time spent in gray’s riverwith you


just this last…and all our many other times past

all the times spent blowing bubbles…and throwing frisbees…and dipping our pigs (and sometimes our whole selves) in the river…and painting…and (even daddy!) dancing…and reading stories…and riding in the cart behind miss mary’s donkeys…and roasting mallows for our grahams and chocolate…and eating any-and-whatever-strikes-our-fancy-shaped pancakes…and hunting woolie bears and garters…and visiting your fellowship…and spooking at “the farmer’s wife” tales…and adventuring…and picking flowers…and walking to the bridge…and staying up too-much-past our bedtimes…and laughing…and listening to i’ya strum…and he and emma sing…and napping…and watching movies…and sipping first-thing-in-the-morning hot chocolate…and (always) eating entirely too much…and swinging…and remembering

and just…beingright therewith you!

and are you missing us yet?  and…could we just pack right back up?

and, boy…do we ever wish that we could!

but instead…for now…we’re just already counting sleeps until our next time…

with you

very sincerely,
me (for us all!)

– emma’s image

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dear gramma florence,

nine years ago today, we got that call…the one that said you’d left us…

two years before…on your birthdayclaire noel was born

how delighted you were to have a birthday buddy!

how delighted you were to share the story of your birth…

of how…in the wee hours of that 1918 christmas morn…your overjoyed, eight-year-old sister ran right out of the house…and right down the street…heralding the news of your birth with a “joy to the world…the Lord has come!”

gramma florence

how delighted you were about…anything!

just any old thing!

what an incredible example you were…

of how to live…

of how to love…

just truly so absolutely wonderfully! 

just truly so absolutely delightfilled!

when we gathered to say good-bye to you…your boy…our grampy…asked, “would you say something?”…

so little clairie and i stood at the front…and we read the card you’d given to welcome her…

“love to a beautiful, sweet baby girl.
claire noel…who was born on my birthday…christmas morning.
it’s such a special day to be born on…the same day as the baby Jesus.
much love, great grandma florence”

and we told that sweet story of alice announcing your birth…

and we sang it all together…just for the sweet memory of you

and this christmas…grampy and grammy…and all these kids…and jason and me…

we all sat by the fire and sang some carols…especially that one

and every time…every single time…we sing that song…

i’m just…filled…with the most delightfully sweet memory of you!

gramma florence2

very sincerely,

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dear gramma mary,

your tree’s starting to wake up…that tree you loved so much


i’m sure that where you are…the trees are infinitely more beautiful…

but your tree…when she’s full awake and all abloom…her more pink than green…

she’s awfully heavenly

how you loved all these kids…your kids…

how you’d “get a kick” out of watching them play under…and in…your tree!

she’s “gramma’s tree”…even to those littles who only know you through pictures…

a glimpse of her and thoughts of you spring to mind…

lovely, happy thoughts of you today

very sincerely,

– hannah’s image

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