dear mr. ken burns,

our family’s been enjoying your documentary, baseball

we’re in the top of the “6th inning – the national pastime”…and our 5-year-old, william, would like to know…

“why do people like this show…if all he does is tell stuff?”

very sincerely,

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dear birthday baby,

happy 9-months!

so…this means you’ve been out every bit as long as you were in


i give up…i simply cannot grasp this time thing!

goin’ too, too fast…

but even worse…to me…you’ve been lookin’ more and more like a 1-year-old…

growin’ too, too fast!

so i weighed and measured and checked…

and yep…

exactly the same as your “substantial” older brother was…at 1-year-old!


22 pounds…12 ounces…29¼ inches tall…and every bit as cute!

but seriously, now…


very sincerely,
me (you know who)


thanks for the unbirthday present!  leanin’ in…lookin’ right deep…and sayin’, “mmm…mom!”

– alex’s image

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a tale of two kidneys

it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness…

so i have these two kidneys…

the one on my right is well-placed…does its job well…

the one on my left…a little less so…

the ct scan said it’s a little wonky up in there…that it never truly “settled” well when i was somersaulting in utero…

and that now…well…it has a stone.

so i found myself faced with 3 choices…

  1. i could pass it…i could…a 50% chance with this 5mm stone…
  2. i could take the urologist up on her kind offer to “pulverize” it for me…
    for a small (ahem) fee
  3. or i could attempt to dissolve it on my own…the “old school” way…by drinking a cocktail of raw apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil…

i settled on starting with choice #3…how bad could it be?

and one day…following a “recipe”…i started drinking 1 tablespoon of each every hour…


7 cocktails into that day…the only place i most wanted to be…was laid out on the floor in front of that gloriously pink toilet…

so, so bad

my honey informed me…whispered into me all prostrate shaky nauseous…
that maybe…just maybe…i might have a little of the “all or nothing” in me…

that the way he saw it…i might still be able to dissolve my stone…without the feeling poisoned and having to live on the bathroom floor part…

so…some days have come and gone…the memory of that one somewhat dimmed…

and i think i’m ready to give it another go…

but…per my honey’s encouragement…i’m concentrating on just the lemon and the oil…

just twice a day…

we’ll see how this goes…

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the p-town theatre troupe

– presents –



 a one act play

– cast of characters –

honey……………………………..the provider of things………………………………jason
darc………………………………the washer of the things….………………………..darcie
i’ya………………………………………..the guitarist……………………………………….alex
emmie…………………………………….the knitter………………….………………….emma
hannah-girl………………………………the artist.……………………………………hannah
clairie…………………………………..the bookworm…………….……………………..claire
bits………………………………………….the giggler…………………………………elisabeth
jack……………………………………..the ear-bender…………………………………….john
will………………………………………the lisp-bearer………………………………..william
baby…………………………………………the chub…………………………………………eian

 shows daily!

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– hannah’s image

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dear little people,

thanks for tryin’ so hard to make a good mama outta me!

i know it hasn’t always been easy

any “good” in my mama’ing i owe all to you!

very sincerely,
me (your oh-so-thankful-to-be-a-mama…mama)

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more sleep 101

okay, so we’ve established that a “sleepy head” is a key element in determin-
ing whether or not your little one has had a good night’s sleep…right?

let’s move on to naps then, shall we?

if, in a fraction of the time it takes to sleep through the night, your little one awakens with a “sleepy head” of…say…this caliber…

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…you can rest assured that your precious little one
is getting all the rest that he (or she) needs!

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okay, me thinks that, maybe…just maybe…mama’s
the only one gettin’ a giggle outta this!

– october 29, 2007

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dear baby,

last night, your nursings were all wonky…

after you nursed again at 5:30, i laid you back down…hoping you’d squeeze in a smidge more sleep before the rest of the house began to wake…

you protested for a bit, but finally drifted off…

at around 7:00, daddy sneaked out of bed and brought me some medicine for that headache that just wouldn’t let me go…

and i curled back up, waiting for relief…and watched you sleep…

your little fists rested above your peach-fuzzed head and your chubba fingers twitched…

your fringed eyelids danced…

that one propped-up knee swayed…back and forth…back and forth…

your back arched…stretched…then relaxed as a sigh escaped your lips…

then that little tongue started to dance…milky dreams playing behind those heavy lids…

and all at once…a knee-swaying, back-arching, chubby-fist-rubbing-the-eye stretch combination!

bear-bear and i watched…rapt…for over an hour…

eight babies…and i’ve never just done this?!?

what sweet heavenliness could possibly happen next?

and then

flashing dreamy grins!


finally…one all-over stretch…and blink, blink, blink…

two baby blues looking into mine…

then a dimple-pierced grin…

and i jumped up to grab you…us snuggling right down into that cozy bed daddy made for me…you eye-smiling at me as you nursed…

that one chubba finger playing with the ring he gave me so long ago…it finally reaching up and touching my lips for those kisses it always finds there…

and me fighting back happy, happy tears…

then my fingers found that tickley spot under all those chins…and that blissful belly-giggle rumbled up from way down deep…

and those two sisters heard it…the ones who always vie for you first thing in the morning…and they suddenly appeared, exclaiming, “you slept so long!”

and just like that…they whisked you away…

and just like that…the day began…

that medicine never truly bringing relief…

and me…never more grateful for a headache in all my life!

very sincerely,
me (your ever-so-grateful mama)

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dear blog,

it’s been a crappy couple o’ days…

lots of little things…all piled up…

and now my ‘tude…seriously stinks

desperately needs to be changed!

tomorrow, i’m gonna try my honey’s side of the bed…‘cause somethin’ must be seriously wrong with mine!

and with this song on my lips…

very sincerely,

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dear (bigger) little people,

i needed a lil’ giggle this mornin’…

and since laughing at your expense is always funner than laughing at my own…i looked up some old pictures of you…

this one did the trick…

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and then i thought…

hmmm…thought i…

“they wouldn’t want me to keep this to myself…they’d want me to share…to spread the giggles and the smiles…”

‘cause i know you would!

so…you’re welcome!

very sincerely,
me (your naughty mama)


and because you’ve always…secretly…been my favorite…

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– those first three out on our property (june, 2002)

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