
out of the hodgepodge of mugs hanging up in that cupboard…

it isn’t this one…

mugs - 2

or this one…

mugs - 1

or even this…

mugs - 3

but this one

mugs - 4

he always picks!

4 Responses to

  1. marci April 15, 2013 at 8:36 am #

    He has good taste! Thanks for the morning ‘smile’

    • darcie April 16, 2013 at 3:07 pm #

      lucky for me…he picks that mug every morning! so it’s really a “sunday-saturday’s reason”! 😀

  2. Aletha Knopp April 30, 2013 at 7:05 am #

    Ah, yes. A kindred spirit. Choosing the mug is part of the morning ritual. For many years I ultimately chose my favorite, given by a friend now with the Lord. It seemed like a hug from her from the other side as I took my mug of steaming coffee to the prayer closet…

    • darcie April 30, 2013 at 8:45 pm #

      ahhh…aletha…now that sounds just like something you would do!

      he assures me those pretty little flowers aren’t what keeps him coming back! he’s adamant…it’s all about the engineering…the efficiency! it’s deep (more volume!) with straight sides…not a “bowl” shape. so the coffee isn’t prone to “slosh”…ensuring his trek from the kitchen to his office is always an expedient, spill-free one!

      whatever his reason…it still makes me smile! 😀

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