dear wee little one,

today was a pretty typical sunday…

there was the running around trying to match a clean top to a clean bottoms…and finding the other shoe to match the one…

and there was the jostling around one another in front of the mirror…trying to get our hairs all the way straight…

and there was the hurrying out the door…the minutes ticking away before everyone was gathered and ready to start…

and then there was our gatheringour communitylistening for His words through our singing and the teaching and the encouraging one another…

and there was the coming home and collapsing…

and the fire getting lit in the hearth

and daddy’s eyes closing in grampa’s old chair…

and then…finally…everyone all sprawled out ‘round the room and realizing all at once…that tomorrow was already mondayagain!

and the day just…went

like last sunday did…and next is (almost) sure to…

only…it wasn’t how i’d imagined it when i’d circled it on my calendar all those long 8 months ago…

i’d imagined that…this day…i might have been finally holding you in my arms…

and i know…i knowHis arms are infinitely more wonderful than mine

but still…i just hadn’t imagined this day going so typically the way that it went…

i’d imagined…and hoped…for a wee little one…

i’d imagined…and hoped…for a wee little…you

but for now…for this day…i’m just still so longing and looking forward to that anything-but-typical…most glorious…day!

when i finally get to seebothof you!

very sincerely,
me (your missing-you-ever-still mama)

One Response to

  1. Michelle February 6, 2014 at 8:28 am #

    ♥ ♥ ♥

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