his side of our bed

my honey’s office is in grampa’s old “wood shop”…

down in the basement…in the same room where my honey fashioned our bed

his mother’s day gift to me when that boy o’ mine wasn’t yet all-the-way three…

but before that…his “office” was right in our room…right next to that bed

and i’m beginning to realize how much i miss that…

because every once in awhile…on one of those days…when i just couldn’t catch hold of my breath…i’d just sneak into our room and snuggle down on his side of our bed…

his side…‘cause it was the side right next to his desk…and ‘cause his pillow smells just exactly like his head!

and i mostly liked to just lie there “next” to him while he worked…and just stare at him for a bit…

‘cause i liked how he focused so hard on his tasks…and paused to ponder with a stroke through his beard…and sometimes smiled a meant-for-me smile straight ahead…

orespeciallyever-so-casually flexed the one-of-my-many-favorite-pieces-of-him forearm muscles nearest to me

‘cause he knows that they are…and that that would for sure coax a giggle out of me!

and i think he liked my staring times too…especially when i stared quietly…and not just distracted him with all of my “words”!

and then when my breath was almost all caught…i’d roll out of our bed…and stand right behind his chair…and wrap my arms around his neck…and stick my whole face right into the hairs on the top of his head…

‘cause it’s just one more of those many of my favorite pieces of him…that spot

‘cause it smells just like his pillow

only just fresh from his head!

and then i’d breathe him in…catching the last little bit of my breath…and then i’d give him a kiss on that spot…

and then i’d just move on

back to my day and whatever was “next”…

until the next time i found myself all out of breath

but now he’s not in there…he’s all that way downstairs

and i can still trudge…all that way down…to breathe in his head…

but i find that it isn’t entirely the samewithout that time first spent on his side of our bed

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